How You can Leverage Micro Markets to Retain Millennial Workforce?

Micro Markets

Gen Z is here! According to an estimate, representation of the millennial is steadily escalating. The (increasing) presence of the individuals who grew up in the digital age has given rise to in-flow fresh ideas on the type of work environment they require to churn out innovative solutions.

With such a transformative nature of modern-day workplace model, many companies are taking proactive steps to create conducive work conditions and appeal to the millennial workforce.

Going Digital with New Age Micro Markets

Among many other things that are shaping the future workplaces, micro markets are playing a silent, but extremely important role. Unlike the preceding generations, millennials are tech-savvy. They utilise the advanced technology for everything – right from socialising to ordering their favourite food.

Therefore, several businesses across the world are upgrading the break-room experience by embracing the new-age micro markets for its ability to offer myriad refreshment options. Here are a few ways in which micro markets are making the workplace more millennial-driven:

1.Great Work-Life Balance

Getting a micro market is a great way to show millennial that you aren’t only interested in their output, rather you care for nutritional input. It is important to demonstrate mutual interest by offering different ways to help the new-age workers maintain a lifestyle that they envision for themselves while they are working hard for your organisation. This includes providing diverse options and an ability to make choices according to their nutritional requirements.

2.Create a Transparent & Collaborative Space

Calling micro markets, the new water cooler won’t be an overstatement. This modern-day open market combines diverse product offerings with comfortable seating arrangement like couches or lounges, where the millennial employees get an opportunity to chill out and interact with their colleagues other than the boardrooms.

3.Endless Healthy Food Options

Around 80% of millennials prefer healthy foods as a preventive measure against various lifestyle diseases. Micro markets can play a crucial role in helping the employers to capitalise on this rising trend towards a healthy lifestyle by stocking nutritional food options, including gluten-free and protein-rich diets.

Additionally, micro markets offer myriad of healthy and fresh options like fruits, vegetables, salads, low-fat yogurt, and more. You can use these products to leverage and transform the breakroom experience.

For further information on micro markets in Australia, feel free to call our experts!

How You can Leverage Micro Markets to Retain Millennial Workforce?
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