Retail Vending Machines

Retail Vending Machines Can Work For Everybody

Smart Vending Machines produces of unique Retail Vending Machines for almost any item you can think of. Our customisable “skins” give you the opportunity to display logos on any vending machine. This is an effective way to promote brand awareness and sales in offsite locations. Compared to the high costs of advertising, our vending machine “skins” are your opportunity to permanently and cost effectively advertise at the point of purchase.
Retail Vending Machines
Individually, units can be created to the size spec appropriate for each location. That means your business can opt for something slim line to fit in a small corner or go for something twice the size if space permits. Theft is unlikely to pose a problem with reinforced steal and ultra-strong glass.

Customer Service

Smart Vending Machines can track your inventory for you on any of your personal digital devices wherever you have an Internet connection. Gone are the annoying trips to every machine to record inventory levels. You’ll have the capacity compare and contrast turnover with stock levels and establish which are your best products in which location. You can also ensure the safety of your customers with our cashless vending machines which have the ability to encrypt credit card transactions.

Unbeaten Customer Support

Smart Vending Machines are built to last years but as with any piece of sophisticated technology, you’ll experience manageable problems from time to time. For this reason, we offer around-the-clock tech support access to qualified staff who know our machines back to front and top to bottom. It wasn’t so long ago that the idea you could rent DVDs from a vending machine was laughed at. Now a huge success story, there’s a huge network of high profile vending machines placed right outside major supermarket chains. In other words – go to the customer before the customer goes to you. Retailers can create new selling opportunities while getting their brand out there, creating more contact points within the community.

All Important Security

Whether you’re selling higher end, expensive items or lower end goods alike, we know your stock is valuable to you and we’re here to protect it with steel construction and strong glass. You have the option to give your customer access to secure credit card transaction, cash pin pads and even fingerprint readers. The level of security is up to you.


When a retailer works with Smart Vending Machines, we develop a complete and set up unique to your individual or fleet of machines. We work closely with you to deliver vending machines that reflect your brands.

Cost Efficiency

Smart Vending Machines are efficient. There’s no need for retail assistants, which allows you to place those staff in retail stores. You also have the option of placing your machine in a 24-hour traffic area, thereby giving you potential revenue every hour of the day.

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